Call Outs 1990 to 2009
A history of GLF call outs and fires in the Upper Bridge River Valley from 1990 to 2009.
2009: Tyaughton Lake - Escaped Campfire
A major wildfire was ignited on May 31, 2009 by a careless camper at the Pearson Pond campsite. The fire was put out twice but not monitored, and finally established on the third ignition. The out of control fire rapidly headed west towards Gun Creek and Gun Lake. Tyaughton Lake was evacuated while Gun Lake and Gold Bridge were on evacuation alert for over a month while the fire expanded to approximately 10,000 hectares.
The evacuation alert and order were lifted for the Tyaughton Fire but, very quickly, a fire across the road below the Terzaghi dam and two fires on the Hurley created access restrictions that impacted the Bridge River Valley.
Photos: Sheila MacDonald & Norris Girling
1994: Garbage Dump Fire
On August 20, 1994, prior to the establishment of the current transfer station, Bud McStay, Fire Warden was alerted to a fire burning at the dump. Nine volunteers responded with the single GLF fire trailer. Volunteers able to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading into the forest on the northeast side of the dump site. GLF successfully held the fire for about 4 hours until a bulldozer from a company working locally extinguished the fire.
1992: Downton Lake Wildfire
Over the May long weekend, a controlled slash burn on Downton lake got out of control due to high winds. The crowning fire was heading northeast towards Gold Bridge BC. BCWS responded with a spotter plane, and shortly five water bombers arrived. BCWS dropped about forty loads of retardant bringing the fire under control.
Photo: Norris Girling