
Show your support for Gun Lake Wildland Firefighters!!

Donations to support the equipment and operational needs of Gun Lake Fire are gratefully accepted!!

E-transfer: In the e-transfer “Message” line please indicate “donation”.

Cheque: Mail: Gun Lake Fire, 22 Lakeview Road GD, Gold Bridge, BC V0K 1P0

Cash: Come to a Three Alarm Brunch! GLF would love to thank you in person!!

To make arrangements for large donations please contact:
Roger Stacey, President or
Al Leighton, Fire Chief

Photo: Dave Robinson

Gun Lake Fire Announces the Purchase of a New Fire Truck

Gun Lake Fire is GUN LAKE FIRE BRIGADE (GLF) is pleased to announce the purchase of a new Profire Wildland Max 5 Fire Truck to be delivered in May of 2025. This acquisition was financially supported by generous community donations, the GLF volunteer wildland firefighters donations, the McLean McCuaig Foundation and the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.  The new wildfire truck will replace the current fire truck which is approaching the end of its service life. 

GLF Announces Donation of Unimog by the McLean McCuaig Foundation

GLF has received an extremely generous charitable gift of a Unimog All Terrain Vehicle from the McLean McCuaig Foundation. The Unimog will be outfitted with a 500 gallon water tank and pump and will be used as a backup fire truck as well as a rescue vehicle.

Fire Truck Replacement

Gun Lake Fire announced an official fundraising campaign in May 2024 to raise funds for the purchase of a new Wildland Fire Truck as the current 1991 model is at the end of its serviceable life. 

As a kick start to the campaign, the McLEAN McCUAIG FOUNDATION, a valued community member, has committed to a donation of $50,000 toward the fire truck. GLF is asking the community to match this generous donation.  Donations can be made by e-transfer to or by visiting the GLF “GoFundMe” at

Achieving this goal will put GLF in a strong position to leverage donated funds to obtain grants to help purchase the truck.

It is important to note that members of GLF, who would have been entitled to compensation under the contract with BCWS during the 2023 Downton Lake Wildfire K71649, voted to donate their compensation to GLF to assist with the purchase of a replacement fire truck. 

We extend our sincere thanks to the many community members that have generously donated funds to the purchase of a replacement fire truck since the fire!!

Photo: Dave Robinson