Join Us!
Click Membership Form (one form per individual) for the online membership form.
All GLF memberships are:
Individual: $10/membership - donations are gratefully accepted!!
You choose how you want to be involved with GLF:
Friend of Gun Lake Fire: Support GLF without an active role in firefighting activities
Active: Current GLF firefighters, or those who want to become a GLF firefighter. Please note that members become Active upon successfully completion of the required training courses.
Please send membership fee by e-transfer to:
Want to e-transfer for more than one membership? On the e-transfer, please include the name(s) of the other memberships that are being paid for in the comment section.
Cheque: Indicate a cheque will be mailed on the online membership form. Mailing address: Gun Lake Fire Protection Society, 22 Lakeview Road, General Delivery, Gold Bridge, BC V0K 1P0
Thank you for supporting Gun Lake Fire - it is very much appreciated!!
Photo: Kaitlin M. James

Photo: Dave Robinson