GLF History

How GLF got started and significant historical events...

2023 - Fire Hall Siren Installed

Installation of the siren on the fire hall was completed on May 7/23. The siren will be tested twice a year, once at the beginning of April and again after Thanksgiving.

Photos: Al Leighton

2021 - Fire Hall Floor Poured

2012 - Fire Hall Excavation

Excavation of the site started in 2012 with construction starting in May 2013. Many hours went into building the fire hall - thanks to all the volunteers!

GLF extends sincere thanks to Ken Archer at Top Gun Towing for hauling in the first load of supplies and Scott Holden for his tamper; Mike Jensen for his transit and the crew Dave, Sal, Sheila, John and Troy who really lightened the load!

A Dream Realized

A group from Gun Lake worked together to build a “fire brigade”. Some initial members were Fred Hoch, Bart Bastien, Bud McStay, John Leighton, John Forber, Henry Joyal and Bill Fetterley. A towable fire trailer, equipped with a pump, hose and hand tools was built and was available for use to all should the need arise.

In late 1994, with the aid of the Gun Lake Ratepayers Association, the SLRD worked on boundaries and a land use permit for the GLFPS to use the property at the junction of Gun Lake West and Lakeview Road for a fire structure. The SLRD provided a grant and GLRA worked hard to meet government requirements and once the permit was obtained, the clearing of the land began.

On December 15, 1995 a bylaw was passed by the SLRD to establish a local service within a portion of the Electoral Area A for the purpose of providing a financial contribution for wildland fire protection for Gun Lake. The community now had a base and a goal – a fire hall.  On March 23, 1999 the Gun Lake Fire Protection Society was incorporated. A second fire trailer was built and regular practices commenced.

Today GLFPS is funded primarily by a parcel tax which is a fixed amount that is added to property taxes.

Initial Sponsors

When GLF expanded to include a fire hall with equipment it was underfunded. A call was put out for sponsors.

Transwest Helicopters owners Ernst and Alison Maas provided four base station radios, two Garmin 60CSx GPS, two spine boards, two basket stretchers and a Level 2 First Aid Kit including C collars, oxygen kit and spider straps. GLF extends our heart felt thanks to Transwest!


Signal Systems
Transwest Helicopters
Builders World
Acklands Grainger
Sherine Industries
Jordan Litke, Polaris Land Surveying Inc
Doug Engstrom, D. Engstrom Electrical Ltd
Ken Archer, Top Gun Towing



Gerry Mey
Don Humble
Bud & Clair McStay
Claude Chardonnens
Anna Vostrova
John Rose
Al Leighton
Dale Hull